OpenPlant PID Help

To Replace One or More Surfaces on a Solid Using a Separate Profile Element

  1. Select the Replace Surface Feature tool.
  2. Turn off Use Existing Face.
  3. (Optional) If profile is not to be deleted, turn on Keep Profile.
  4. Select the solid.
  5. Select the element to define the replacement surface.
  6. Select the face to be replaced.
  7. (Optional) Using <ctrl+data point>, select other faces that are to be replaced.
  8. Accept to view the modifications.
  9. Accept to complete the replacement of the surfaces.

    Left: Select the solid (1) and the replacement surface element (2), then use <Ctrl> data points to select multiple faces to replace (3, 4, 5 and 6). | Right: Accept to view the modifications, and again to complete (7 and 8).